November 11th is Veteran’s Day, which gives American citizens the opportunity to recognize and appreciate all that our military veterans past and present have given up for us.

The meaning of “sacrifice” is generally understood as choosing to give up something you value to get something else, or to help others.  If it is easy to do, then it would be a lot more common than simply denying oneself pricey drive-thru coffee for a week to justify buying whatever you just had to have from the flea market last weekend.  The members of the United States military understand and accept the practice of sacrifice without hesitation.  From the very first day when they leave their homes, friends and families, these individuals give up their personal freedoms for a cause greater than themselves.  To ensure the safety of American lives, they willingly surrender the comforts most citizens take for granted while simultaneously volunteering to be in physical peril.  Their resolve is exemplified in a quote from the late General Norman Schwarzkopf who stated, “The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”

Americans can show their appreciation for our military veterans by supporting them through the numerous organizations working to fulfill their needs.  Some individuals need specialized help beyond their physical wounds.  For example, Vietnam War vets experienced unique health risks that cause many to still suffer.  These were compounded by the lack of public support after returning home from their tour of duty.

C. Crane has the honor of employing a veteran that received the Order of St. George Black Medallion on October 14th, 2016.  Our own Jorge Chacon was a Sergeant in the United States Army, serving from 1990 – 2003 in four U.S. location, as well as in Germany and Bosnia.  Jorge served two tours in Bosnia away from his family; one year in 1996, and 7 months in 2000.  This is true sacrifice.